So I went to sleep over at Mariya's house like a week or two ago<3
It was a load of fun fun fun. I ate Indian Bean Curry!!! Cuz her daddy's Pakistani (I chatted with Tim and he corrected me LOL Thanks Timmy) So enjoy the pics. I put up some Purikura (koreans call it Print Club) so have fun~ post comments~<3

At some road while we waited for the bus to take me away from Mariyannu<3

I swear! Mariya calls it the place where Aliens land LOL. She has NO idea what this is for... And neither do I... So weird. Hahah.

Here she is... striking a pose while she typed onto her blog using her cell.. LOL. She told me 'You wanna see me in my glasses!? Are you sure!? You're gonna fall in love with me you know!?' LOL... I see

It's almost Halloween~ XD

Whetts, she's crushing on me b(><*)

Ehehe~, she's so cute! This it the first thing we did that day<3
We saw each other, hugged in the middle of the road, and headed straight for the game center<3
3 件のコメント:
love the pics... you look REALLY pretty<3
looks like you had A LOT of fun with your friend:)
just to echo jaehee. gorgeous!!
you always are!! <3
Aww~ you girls are always so nice<3
I did have a hell of a lot of fun with my friend<3
And thanks Taylor for telling me that I'm gorgeous<3
You two help my self-esteem go up up and up. Heheh.
Love ya both so muchos.
<3 me