( ゚∀゚)ハァーハッハッハッハ!!お初の文化祭に行ってきました。
しかも彩の学校じゃない所w①時間以上かけて北千住に行くために朝の⑧時半頃出るはずだったんだけど…。起きたの⑧時⑩分`;:゙;`;・(゚ε゚ )ブッ!!マジかよ…。結局マリヤの学校に着いたのが⑩時半頃wマリヤごめん(T^T)
その後はマリヤの学校見学(勝手にw)そしたら保健室の先生に『会った事ある!絶対!!!』ってwwwぃゃ…無いっスヨ。全然初対面( ´∀`)フハハハハ…でも先生はそんなこと御構い無くwんで少し経ったら『チャーミングだから会った事あると思ったんだね。多分。』会うって…と思ってたら隣でマリヤが『えっ!?チャビー???』ってぉぃぉぃ(- д -;; まぁ~それはさておき、『夢で!?』って聞いたら『そうかも』的なことを言ってたwあ~彩って夢に出るんだ…お化けみたい(/ \≦)キャッ~www
Their school banner for the event :D

So those were pictures at Grazioso, a event at my friends school. Mariya invited me so how can I resist???
I ate Niku-man, An-man, and Okonomiyaki~~~ xD Pretty good for a school event. It took me over an hour by train and bus to get to the school... I was supposed to wake up early enough but I woke up at 8:10 so... I got there around 10:30... gees...
I had lots of fun there~~ The girls at Mariya's booth got each other so hyper and we ended up playing that game where they play music and start reducing the amount of chairs.. uhhhh I can't remember the name... it's on the tip of my tongue.... ehh... nvm.. you get the picture. Anyways, we started with 5 chairs and the music... well we didn't have a CD player so Emi-chan did the singing.. LOL and the 3~4 round was sung by Chiaki-chan, she's so funny I swear... She sang the theme song for Pirates of the Caribbean LOL and she even did little weird dance that caught my eye while I circled the chairs xD
Hmm~ what else did we do... we took pictures, roamed around and mingled... Hmmm... oh.. and I found out that I appear in people's dream.. well more like the school nurse's dream.. As soon as she saw me she says "I know her!!!" Even though we're NEVER met before... LOL. And she just won't stop repeating it... her ultimate reason for thinking that she knows me.... well she said that it's cuz I'm so charming... charming enough to appear in dreams!? LOL. But later, when Mariya's Home Room teacher (Nogi Sensei) and we all met, the nurse still claimed that she knows me (- д -;;
Oh I went to visit Mariya's class room and fell in love with that pumpkin :D It's so cute! And Namiko-chan gave me that strawberry ice cream XD Oh speaking of ice creams, when Nogi Sensei and we met back down stairs (Mariya's class is on the 5th floor), Nogi Sensei goes "You're eating ice cream again!?" .......... Uhhh it was my first ice cream... who'd eat two in 18℃ weather!? LOL.. and I think she still believes that I was eating my second ice cream... her reason being that I match eating ice cream...... wth... does it mean that I eat ice cream so deliciously!?
Oh well, hehe. Well I had lots of fun either way. I'd write more but I'm getting cold up here on the 3rd floor so... gonna go sleep.
Good Night~~~ :D
3 件のコメント:
へへへ ペコちゃんポップキャンディーおすすめです(・∀・)たべてます(・∀・)
北千住・・ 千住くんおもいだすなぁー。
千住君?誰だよ(- д -;;