So obviously September's done... and obviously it's October.....
I got a cold since Friday the 5th... MASSIVE! I slept for like two whole days!!! I woke up twice to eat and use the bathroom and went to sleep again... - -;; Besides my family, Kaito was the only one who hoped that I get better... LOL Special Thanks Kaito.. it was veeerrrrryyy smooth how you asked my blogspot addy LOL VERY smooth hahah.

omg.. you would've never guess how my day went on the 4th of this month... it was wild... in a whole new way...
I woke up at 8:30 and got ready for my cousin's 運動会 (school sports event) and I was like the master photographer until a little after lunch. Then, I went home and fell asleep since I only slept for 5 hours the night before. When I woke up, my grandma and my dad was waking into my room - -;; My dad invited me to a dinner with his 'best-friends-for-life' buddy Omi-chan. So we went to this Sushi place called Kimizushi. We were there for like idk, 2 hours... 3 hours max. Then we got out and went to this karaoke bar/pub called AI... If I only knew what a long night that was gonna be... LOL :D As soon as we got there the owner greeted us and brought my dad and omi-chan their bottle and got me apple juice<3
Well.. at least he had fun and so did I. I ended up dueting with my dad and also Omi-chan LOL. I even sang "Oops! I did it again" By Britney Spears for Omi-chan since he requested it.... LOL... I'm so nice, ehh.
And me and my dad said good-bye to Omi-chan and went to Seven-Eleven to buy some food for my dad and Yakult for me. LOL we got home close to 3AM. LOL. I don't know HOW my dad was able to walk home after a beer, 4 L size cups of half and half (of some strong drink and water), 1 cup of champagne, japanese shochu, and more half and half with Jinro... When I told Kaito that he said ".......damn.......uh.....damn.....dats uh...pretty good amount ......dats the asians for ya.....capable of bein shit faced but able to walk fine" LOL And I wonder why he wasn't able to do so.. Instead he fell right under my Mazda's tail. LOL.
Then the next day I got this massive cold..... I had a fever of 37.5℃ and ended up skipping out on work... My throat hurts still... geez... I had to go get medicine painted onto my throat... talk about gagging... (T~T)
3 件のコメント:
you look hott ayaka<3
but man, for real how did your dad do it?? i would've just died right there after drinking all that!;P
I really have no idea Jae Hee...
and it sends me shivers to know that that blood is in me too LOL.
I should try how much I can drink and still walk right.
aish ayaka! lol... always looking so hot n_n heehee... I hope you're feeling better