I never noticed how much time has passed since my last log in.. LOL. It's not like I was super busy or anything but I feel like I haven't touched the computer in ages - -;; Hmmm it's like what? A little under a month since I last posted anything..? That's a long time isn't it... LOL
Well anyways, where should I start... Uhhmmmm Happy belated Valentine's?? OH before that! It snowed MASSIVE in Tokyo on the 3rd of this month!! As you can see on the picture below..

This is in the making (>x<)っつ
My master piece!!! LOL
Let me explain his parts. His eyes are made from small oranges (well, it's more like a family member of the orange family) his nose's made from a white and red bunny magnet, and his mouth is made from the clip for curling your hair (thought it demonstrated a nice smile) and his buttons on his belly are my cocktail bon-bons :D Oh and his hat is mine...
I also got soooo bored so I bought a Nintendo DS Lite... I'm so in love with it.. I solved that game in like 33hours - -;; It was tricky though.. I picked a detective game where we have to keep solving the mysteries.. But it was hellah fun!
It's so tiny and thin~ and it's a pretty color~~~♥
The love of all girl's life.. Fruit crepe... yummm~ this was at a little fruits parlor in Shibuya :D
It was for my 3o'clock tea time( ´∀`)フハハハハ
A pic of my favorite cafe mocha from Doutour Coffee Shop xP
This is the rose that my Aunt got from one of her costumers on the day of her birthday♡

Yup, so I think that's about it... I think... Oh and a lot of sickness is floating around... My Aunt, my Uncle, and Kana caught them and they were all dead for like 2~3weeks.. Fortunately they didn't catch it at the same time, actually they caught it from each other LOL.. So I made Japanese pudding and that Chinese White pudding thing (but mine was way~~~~~~~ softer and jiggly) so that they could at least have something in their stomach.
OH! And my grandma's friend's ex-husband "passed away" the day before yesterday. Like 3 days ago he died but the doctor revived him with that shock thing.. The doctors told the family that if he has his breathing machine and this shot, he has like a month left, 3 months at the most. And then just yesterday he died all of a sudden, my grandma's friend thinks that he was suffocated cuz when he passed away her daughter's husband was the only one in the room. And what made her REALLY think was the fact that he was getting mad at the doctor who revived the father of his wife he was like 'We asked you to leave him alone, you had NO reason to revive him!'...-0- On top of THAT, he told my grandma's friend that if he (the ex-husband of my grandma's friend) wasn't going to live long, the money that's going to be used to pay for the equipment and the hospital room is just a waste.. But the thing is... he has no right to say anything about it cuz the guy isn't his dad, and even if he's married to their daughter, he isn't the one paying the bill (it's coming out of the guy's pocket). This guy is really crazy... Like the wife (who's sorta like my Aunt) is getting these treatments cuz she has something with her ovaries.. anyways, her husband was asking the doctor if they can get rid of the baby with a shot or two if the baby were to be deformed or handicapped in any form... like wtf!?
Yah... I know.. he's crazy... and VERY stingy with the money that not only he makes but also the money that his wife makes... She gets like 10,000 yen (like about $100) for food supplies and she has to make it last a MONTH! It's really ridiculous...
Well, I gotta go look over Hyun Tag's report thing for any grammar mistakes and stuff.. so chao..
Good night~ xD
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