When was the last time you were a part of a fun breakfast like this? Where you had waffles, sausages, and tuffles (or so they're called) for BREAKFAST? Where you can shove a whole bunch on a plate and no one will give you the "Ewww, you're gonna get FAT" look? Well, I sure haven't in a while.. Before this day hit me that is.. On this day, I didn't sleep at all - -;; I met up with Kovalenko and Reid 姉妹 at Hatanodai and headed off to Denenchoufu around 5:45am... I was supposed to meet them around 5:30 but I (as always) was late.. Anyways, we went over to a friend's house and had a little lesson :) It was so nice, it was like I was back in Saipan and was joining TGIS with the SDA-ers♡ Then the high schoolers went off to school and I stayed behind with all the others to have a nice and sweet breakfast, AMERICAN style♡♡♡

This is tuffle.. Whip cream, two types of cake, and strawberry jam layered in a bowl :P Ready to be comsumed by three lovely (and hellah hungry) warriors heheh. Seriously, we dug in as instructed :D
The view from out of the house (took it right before breakfast while the 姉妹 was looking for the trash bin).
It's warm rays just wrapped me up and made me smile while the cold crisp wind blew through my hair, leaving it to settle all over my face :)
You see them! They were roaming around the streets with plastic trash bags in their hands, looking for the trash bin before the garbage truck came LOL. They were checking around the corners and over the guardrails heheh I could've helped but had NO idea where it could be, so I just watched and took pictures :))
The house that hosted the lesson, it was SO humongo! I swear, I'd love to date their son.. ugh... if only he wasn't a junior high student :(
Anyways, I had a blast yesterday heheh. Hope to join them for more♡
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