Wow, I quit writing for a few days and I get comments telling me to write more!! Can't I get any rest!? LOL, just playing ;) So sorry that I haven't been updating this... I got a little lazy.. I was gonna update it through my cell but it would take forever because we have about 50 characters on 12 buttons (- д -;;
Anyways.. well.. where should I start... Hmmm... OH first things first :D I changed my look~ I got curls v(≧▽≦)v So now I look like this ↓
In my grandma's car the day I got em' curls☆

This was me before I got me some curly-curls..
And then, on Friday the 2nd, my mom and I met for a little birthday dinner. It's my mom's birthday on the 10th but I have work that day so I decided to have it a week earlier. We went to Yakimaru (where I work on weekends) and spent like 4 hours talking and chowing some mean Yakiniku. It's damn delicious!! I totally forgot to take a pic of some of my fav. foods but I did take a pic of my mom and Yakimaru's Kanban-musume, Miya-cyan☆
It costed me quite a bit but hey, it's my mom's birthday.. Plus I couldn't do anything for her last 5 birthdays so I owe her lots of love and fun :D It was like $140 but that's why I work. I work to make myself happy and have money to rule my stomach v(>_<)v
Work's like super hard these days... the owner likes to take the best out of the money he pays me so I have like three orders that I have to make at one time and stuff.. He bitches at me when I can't do it well but hey, work's not easy but the pay's worth it right? Heheh.
Oh so I've been looking for the right church in Tokyo, preferably somewhere close to where I live. And idk if I mentioned anything about this but there's a Mormon Church like 15 min from where I live... I hear lots of rumors about the Mormon Church so I thought that I should check it out for myself rather than basing my decision on rumors so I've been talking to some of the elders and some of the sisters there. I went to my first Church session on Sunday (although I missed the first session and ended up joining the Bible study and Women Gathering thing... I couldn't wake up at 8am to get ready LOL). Made lots of friends and learned some stuff about the book of Mormon.. I'm not going to make my decision yet.. I set up a learning session with Sister Hamatake and Sister Kovalenko tomorrow to see if that Church can help me grow. I told them that it's not going to be an easy session. I'm probably going to have lots of questions and have lots of debates.. hope they don't hate me for it LOL. We had a little debate yesterday when I joined Sister Hamatake and Sister Kovalenko for lunch/cookie making time :) Sister Hamatake and I love baking so we set up a lunch/cookie baking session for Monday after Sunday program LOL. And here's a pic of Sister Hamatake and the mad delicious Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip cookie we made↓

This guy in the middle is veeerrry into his mood... You can't really see it here but he's sitting like those guys in a typical romantic movie LOL. 一人でスカしてんじゃねぇ~やぃ!ヽ(`Д´)ノ www

The home made Croissant at Volks. My grandma, Kana, and I dined here before heading to Jasco for shopping. They just looked so perfect with their egg coating that I stole a shot before they went into the oven for the climax (≧m≦)
I wasn't gonna buy anything at Jasco... at first... but then I felt a calling while I was walking through the Electronics section and I was sucked towards a clothing stores where I found... BOOTS!!! When I was in Saipan I thought buying boots was just a damn big waste of money... BUT once Autumn hit, it's too cold to be roaming around in sneakers and heels... so..... uhhh... >ㅂ<
I bought both black and brown.. Aren't they so LOVELY!?
Look at the cute black ribbons on my neck of my boots >ㅂ< 
It has a green lace as an inner layer so I can fold it over like the pics and it has a leather ribbon on the back to keep the folds in place♥♥♥

So I think that concludes what I've been doing the past few days.. I hope it satisfies Jae Hee and Taylor and all the others who check this... LOL
Sister 浜竹と Sister コヴァレンコとクッキー作っちゃいました♥
3 件のコメント:
yay! sexy boots and sexy hair for a sexy girl!!! heehee... I love your new hairdo ayaka. I think it really suits you... it says, sophisticated and sexy, very sexy... heehee... thanks for posting new pics... and you always look beautiful in your pictures. your pictures prove that a good heart = glamour shot... whoo hoo!!! heehee... I'm kinda hyper right now... I miss you a lot ayaka! Btw, I'm chatting with you right now!!! heehee. Keep in touch n_n and take care always!!! I <3 you!!!
i happen to think Mormons rock! lol i hope that you enjoy going to the services and hanging out with the sister missionaries. they're some of the coolest people around! and if you have any questions, you can always send them my way and i'll do my best to answer them! :]
love you tons ayaka! and yes, these updates do make me happy. very happy! and your hair looks stunning!! it's awesome!!
I live in Texas, in the United States. I have known Sister Hamatake her whole life. I think its awesome that you are learning more about the Church. It will bless your life. Good Luck, and thanks for posting the picture of Sister Hamatake, shes the coolest!