I didn't sleep last night because I've slept for more than 10 hours the day before - -;;
The one thing that sucks about Japan is that there only limited channels and when the time is between 4~8AM, there's nothing but News and pointless shows (like cheap shopping shows)... Since I had nothing to do, I just watched the news... and I really wished that I wasn't in Saitama the second I heard that it snowed in Shinjuku (>-<っ) B・U・T my mom went out into the balcony and all of a sudden calls for me (who was down stairs making Coffee for her 6 in the morning LOL) from the top of her lungs. Me, not knowing what was up, run up the stairs as if there's no tomorrow and what do I find!? I find my mom relaxed in her room, sitting in front of her computer with a ciggie in comfortably placed between her lips. She looks at me and goes 'Go outside' what again..?? 'There's snow outside..'
.............NO SHIT!!! REALLY!?!?!? I ran outside to find... coldness - - - - - and a little bit of SNOW! Yay~ v(・U・)v

4 件のコメント:
oh....so this is the apple pie you were talking about....lol
i really like your little snowman too!<3
have fun with all the snow!
try making a snow angel... it's quite horrible in my opinion, but other people like it;) lol
Everyone feels like that when they see first snow in their life..but
after a couple of days ur not gonna like it...the mud puddles make ur shoes dirty and it really frustrates me..:) hehe
sorry if I spoiled it..
another new semester started!!
I miss you tons but it's okay
because we are going to meet !!
yay!! yah as you said..
Masa doesn't know ur address
so I'm gonna send it off tomarrow..
sorry I'm making u wait.T_T