Now that New Year's rush is done, just came by to talk about how my first New Years in Japan was.
If I were to sum it all up in one word, it probably would have to be 'chilled'.
The reason being the fact that it was both very cold and laid back. I spent the whole new year's eve and the 1st with my family, and did no dress ups..
On New Year's eve, I spent most of my time chowing down or watching the K-1 game or online. Yes.. I was making plans for the 7th.. LOL and listening to Grace and how her new year's has been going LOL.
But after the New Year's gong went off and we did the drinking and chowed down, Yumi-chan (my aunt who was tipsy already) suggested that the non-elders and the non-children should go karaoke...... uhh.. Yumi-chan.. That leaves Hi-kun (my uncle), me, and you... `;:゙;`;・(゚ε゚ )ブッ!! So we went.. Hi-kun was in NO mood.. it was only 30minutes into ②◎◎⑧ and he was bitching... wow...... so anyways, we get to the place and the first thing my uncle does is go play with the slot machine that was sadly leaned up on the far corner of the karaoke house right next to the check-in counter.. So my aunt and I leave him there and get into Box 10. My aunt orders a cold glass of Oolong Tea for me and a cold glass of half&half.. I was like 'You're gonna drink AGAIN!?' but that doesn't stop her at all...
There she is singing a song by Yuki Koyanagi☆
Few minutes later, my Uncle walks in and he joins us with the singing... My aunt, already very pink -like an octopus, demands Hi-kun to start singing LOL. So he puts a song in and I was like 'ヾ(。`Д´。)ノCan you listen to me sing now!? I'm not singing to please the walls you know...'
I didn't know at all but apparently my voice is high... LOL My aunt was lecturing me not to drink any alcohol cuz it'll destroy my 'nice' high voice LOL But she was the one who got me Japanese Plum liquor for the New Year's toast whetts.. Anyways, after a song by Alicia Keys, my aunt looks into my eyes and goes 'You have to sing Mariah Carey's All I want for Christmas is You' and I was like... if I even remember the song... And fortunately I did, so I didn't look like a total ass with a mic.. LOL Then my Uncle decides to request a song.. It's by Whitney Houston and it came out in 1985... I was surprised that I even knew how to sing most of that song - though I have no idea what the title is..
My Aunt and Uncle does some mean duets although the songs are all by EXILE or Chemistry... and my Aunt even started to do some upper body dancing.. it's the alcohol getting to her brain but the shocking part is that she was doing the same dance on EXILE's music video :O
She didn't want me to take a pic cuz she 'didn't draw out her eye brows' LMFAO
But she willingly went into this picture - -;; Except it was too dark n_n
Family dining at the house on the 2nd, all we did was eat all day..