Zomg~ just another update... - -;;
Let me go with Jap version before I get into the 'always longer' English version♥
ん~いきなりだけど胸キュンこの頃しないなぁ~胸焼けならするけど(ぇっ...そっち?w) じゃなくて,いい男いないかなぁ~そこらへんにФ(。、。).。・探さなきゃ見つからないって正直どぅよ?・°・(ノД`)・°・探すのねんどぅぃぃぃ
ん~この頃周囲にインフルエンザが流行ってる、かかるかもっ!とか激ウマ焼肉屋オーナーと今日話してて「予防注射しにいかなきゃつらいよ。」とか言われたけど予防注射の効き目は撃ってから①ヵ月後…。効くのは来年やん!遅ぃってw『サイパン病院嫌い』ボディーでインフルエンザに罹んないように戦うっす!応援宜しく( ´∀`)dフハハハハ
☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆
"Japanese Obahan~ you know~???" they're elder ladies that can careless if they ran you over with their big shopping bags and weird sweater armors... - -;; I should know... A couple of them run over me today... Imagine a lady with a very colorful sweater and weird hat coming at you with tons of shopping bags in both arms, eyes still searching for other treasures on for sale.... I get goosebumps just from thinking about it... -Let me back track and tell you why I was in a place filled with elder ladies... well.. today was TOC's tokunoichi.. TOC is a mall containing 13 floors of goodies for everyone from babies to teenagers to elder customers to old folks.. Starting November 30th there was a SALE going on called the Tokunoichi and today was the last day to participate in that SALE. Most items were on sale; most were 30% off and some were 70% off... So you don't need any brains to figure out WHY there were lots of elders with a 'I wanna buy lots for cheap' mind-set.. My grandma was one of them, she went yesterday AND today.
Yesterday, she went with my cousin and Oji. She has already bought an oval antique looking mirror that's about a foot tall with brown laces and ribbons for me. This was how I got introduced to it→ "I knew it would fit your style :D Isn't it cute!?" "Uhh.. ok..?" "Can you see yourself in it? You should bring it to your room♥" "Of course I can.. it's a mirror..(and I hate it...)" "Go bring it now :)" "... mkay... - -;; (how can I sell this without her knowing?)". Maybe I'll post a pic of it tomorrow...
She also managed to buy a 1'5 ft tall Snowman figure with a board that says "LET IT SNOW" except one part of the L is missing gold paint.. she bought it REAL CHEAP just because it was cute and she thought that she can give it to someone except she doesn't know who, and I am not planning to say that she should keep it.. She doesn't celebrate CHRISTmas anyways :S I don't know why she even thought it was cute... She also managed to buy a dark green bag for me that seems to be able to fit everything in my room - "For school" she says, "so you can fit your sketchbooks and lunch and paint and homework and.." the list goes on... LOL. She's such a weird little grandma with no fashion and color sense.. Lately she's been buying me darker clothing like black jackets, brown pants, inner shirts with dark cherry laces, black hot shorts, moss green bags, grey poodle pet-bottle cover.... So like my wardrobe (grandma-bought section) is like so depressing LOL. My mom's section is like all ROCK-ish, and the section where I put the cloths that I bought is like multi-colored... LOL. I feel like I have every color possible.. I even have yellow LOL but it's mostly black/white/brown cuz my grandma buys WAY too many stuff that just end up sleeping in the closet... Waste of money.. maybe I'll coordinate it well with bright colors... idk..
Though I got bumped and tossed and run over, today was fun, I ate massive good ramen & I went shopping and got a purple top & a fluffy camisole & a macha green jacket with a fur-rimmed hoodie & some black tights♡♡♡♡♡
When I went to my mom's, I got a baggy hip-hugger jeans & a long shirt one-piece & a frilly long sleeve one piece too. Didn't I already say this?? Anyways, I'll do a little fashion show on cell pic and post it up tomorrow ;)
From here I'll just post up pics && music videos☆
Let me go with Jap version before I get into the 'always longer' English version♥
ん~いきなりだけど胸キュンこの頃しないなぁ~胸焼けならするけど(ぇっ...そっち?w) じゃなくて,いい男いないかなぁ~そこらへんにФ(。、。).。・探さなきゃ見つからないって正直どぅよ?・°・(ノД`)・°・探すのねんどぅぃぃぃ
ん~この頃周囲にインフルエンザが流行ってる、かかるかもっ!とか激ウマ焼肉屋オーナーと今日話してて「予防注射しにいかなきゃつらいよ。」とか言われたけど予防注射の効き目は撃ってから①ヵ月後…。効くのは来年やん!遅ぃってw『サイパン病院嫌い』ボディーでインフルエンザに罹んないように戦うっす!応援宜しく( ´∀`)dフハハハハ
☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆
"Japanese Obahan~ you know~???" they're elder ladies that can careless if they ran you over with their big shopping bags and weird sweater armors... - -;; I should know... A couple of them run over me today... Imagine a lady with a very colorful sweater and weird hat coming at you with tons of shopping bags in both arms, eyes still searching for other treasures on for sale.... I get goosebumps just from thinking about it... -Let me back track and tell you why I was in a place filled with elder ladies... well.. today was TOC's tokunoichi.. TOC is a mall containing 13 floors of goodies for everyone from babies to teenagers to elder customers to old folks.. Starting November 30th there was a SALE going on called the Tokunoichi and today was the last day to participate in that SALE. Most items were on sale; most were 30% off and some were 70% off... So you don't need any brains to figure out WHY there were lots of elders with a 'I wanna buy lots for cheap' mind-set.. My grandma was one of them, she went yesterday AND today.
Yesterday, she went with my cousin and Oji. She has already bought an oval antique looking mirror that's about a foot tall with brown laces and ribbons for me. This was how I got introduced to it→ "I knew it would fit your style :D Isn't it cute!?" "Uhh.. ok..?" "Can you see yourself in it? You should bring it to your room♥" "Of course I can.. it's a mirror..(and I hate it...)" "Go bring it now :)" "... mkay... - -;; (how can I sell this without her knowing?)". Maybe I'll post a pic of it tomorrow...
She also managed to buy a 1'5 ft tall Snowman figure with a board that says "LET IT SNOW" except one part of the L is missing gold paint.. she bought it REAL CHEAP just because it was cute and she thought that she can give it to someone except she doesn't know who, and I am not planning to say that she should keep it.. She doesn't celebrate CHRISTmas anyways :S I don't know why she even thought it was cute... She also managed to buy a dark green bag for me that seems to be able to fit everything in my room - "For school" she says, "so you can fit your sketchbooks and lunch and paint and homework and.." the list goes on... LOL. She's such a weird little grandma with no fashion and color sense.. Lately she's been buying me darker clothing like black jackets, brown pants, inner shirts with dark cherry laces, black hot shorts, moss green bags, grey poodle pet-bottle cover.... So like my wardrobe (grandma-bought section) is like so depressing LOL. My mom's section is like all ROCK-ish, and the section where I put the cloths that I bought is like multi-colored... LOL. I feel like I have every color possible.. I even have yellow LOL but it's mostly black/white/brown cuz my grandma buys WAY too many stuff that just end up sleeping in the closet... Waste of money.. maybe I'll coordinate it well with bright colors... idk..
Though I got bumped and tossed and run over, today was fun, I ate massive good ramen & I went shopping and got a purple top & a fluffy camisole & a macha green jacket with a fur-rimmed hoodie & some black tights♡♡♡♡♡
When I went to my mom's, I got a baggy hip-hugger jeans & a long shirt one-piece & a frilly long sleeve one piece too. Didn't I already say this?? Anyways, I'll do a little fashion show on cell pic and post it up tomorrow ;)
From here I'll just post up pics && music videos☆
Both videos are from mihimaruGT and no they're not related to each other. They're such comedians :D
This next song is by DJ Ozma and the other guy singing is just his club hostes friend.. Now DJ Ozma's effing funny! Like his songs are like those songs that you just hear it once and the next thing you know you catch yourself singing it while you're alone in your room or (if your like me) at work. It's like that song by FloRida ft. T-Pain ♪Low.
♪バリバリ(Baribari like working hard) Monday night~
ラブラブ(Lovey-Dovey)Tuesday night~♪
♪モテモテWednesday night~Thursday night~
I need you! I want you! あぁなんと言う(How can I say)~hoo~♪
ラブラブ(Lovey-Dovey)Tuesday night~♪
♪モテモテWednesday night~Thursday night~
I need you! I want you! あぁなんと言う(How can I say)~hoo~♪
♪イケイケ(Like 'Go! Go!' or like looking good)Friday night~
脱げ脱げ(Strip strip)Sunday night~♪
♪アゲアゲ(Sound effects for being hyper) EVERY 騎士(knight)~
Yah, it's some meaningless 'LET'S GET LAID!' song but it's too catchy to not sing it.. I disappoint myself for the lack of control over my brain..
On another note, my Uncle's Koume, Yakkun (my uncle from my Mom's side) is in LOVE with her...

That's me in my NMA v-ball shirt (that Phillip gave me.. more like traded LOL) and my hair in a volcano erruption mode.. LOL
This is in Bar日比谷(Hibiya) where my mom and I ate before we headed back to her house.. What kind of a mom brings her daughter to a bar? But the drinks & foods & desserts were yummy♡
I'll post a pic of my drink when my mom sends them to me xD

I'll post a pic of my drink when my mom sends them to me xD

8 件のコメント:
ok, Ayaka...i am sorry that i have to admit that i haven't read your post yet before commenting you. Why? because if i don't want to stay up whole night dreading on my final project, i have to spend every second of my time working on what i am supposed to be working on. but i promise i will read your awesome post (like always..i just knew it~!) after i am done. DEAL?
grrr....i really think my computer is infected with Trojans....shouldn't have tried downloading the games......-0-*need to reformate my pc*
you lost weight!!!!! >_<*
you look cute!!
check my reply under ur comment~
oh, by the way I'll try to
email you soon!!!! Eheheh
I missho <3 :(
まさかアゲ♂アゲ♂EVERY☆騎士が出てくるとは思いませんでした( ^ω^)
Well, I would be mad at you but knowing how your PC's jacked and that you have a Final Project to work on, I'll let you pass ;) (cuz I'm nice LOL I play and kid) Anyhow, it's good news to finally hear something from you :) You were a ghost in my life for quite a while now and I cannot have that since you're one of my asshole friends that I cherish so muchos ;D And yes... Trojans.. we all must do something with those... Take care chettie~chet chet. Love you always xD
Hahah, thanks Suks, although I'm not so sure if I've lost any weight.. It's good news anyways :) And again, I'm sure YOU (of all people) don't need to lose any weight.. It's just your evil self again, telling you to be as thin as Chet BUT the truth is, we can't all be as thin as Chet or we'd die in the process of getting there. Damn Chet always get all the good blessings.. LOL Love ya Chet ;) So anyways, I'll be waiting for your e-mail love☆ Take care :D
☆-(ノ゚Д゚)八(゚Д゚ )ノイエーイ
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