I haven't realized how long I've left my blog hanging until just now... my last entry was ages ago...
Sorry guys!! And no, Chet... I wasn't leaving my blog hanging cuz my schedule was all tied to my new boyfriend - -;; I don't have a boyfriend in the first place!! LOL.
So as you can all see from the title of this blog I'm finally filling in the blanks (*゚v゚*)
Well... if I were to make an index to this one blog it'd go something like this:
- School meetings
- Class trip (well.. more like 'Art Major' group camp)
- Class meetings (different from School meeting!)
- Hanging out with friends
- Work
- Getting my school supplies together
So let's start with the obvious topic.. SCHOOL.
It goes back to April but on the 12th, I had my school meeting where I got to see half of my fellow Graphic Design majors. There were TONS of them - -;; I had to squeeze myself between this one Chinese guy and the wall to sit and join the lecture!! Invasion of my bubble!! イヤ(≧ヘ≦ ))(( ≧ヘ≦)イヤ
Anyways that was the day that I got my Macbook Pro, which I am in LOVE with♡
That was also the day that I met my group members, there were 8 of us, including me. Misaki, Mai, Lupin (Yuichirou), Tana, Yon Gyon, Kenho, Yuuma, and me☆^(o≧▽゚)o Our groups WAY tight already, and school haven't even started... My class has 29 people in it and the whole Graphic Design section has 180 people - -;; No wonder our school owns 7 buildingsポリポリ (・・*)ゞ
Anyways, not only is our group close.. but so is our whole class! Except for this one girl.. she's VERY stuck up.. She always have this look in her eyes like "I don't HAVE to be here, I already graduated College, I'm here with you low people to get my hands deeper into the field of art." She barely talks to any of the members except this one tiny girl named Kaoru. Kaoru has fluffy hair and she's pretty tanned and real thin! She's quiet but very nice. Although I do have this feeling that that one girl just doesn’t know how to engage in a conversation with the other girls in the class... cuz we’re all very unique... as you’ll later see in the pics...
Then came the class trip♡ We went to Nagano, where there’s nothing but nature and old school housings LOL. Which was the reason why we were all very focused on ‘ART’ ふふっ(*゚v゚*) If not we’d ll be walking around the hotel and stuff - -;; Getting lost and everything (esp my class). MAN, I was so surprised cuz the hotel was completely booked by our Art Majors... Not only did we take 8 buses but we also took up the hotel!!! Then again, it IS understandable... The Art major consist of approximately 300 people, yep. Btw, in our school, Art major consists of Graphic Design majors, Art Majors, and Illustration majors. The Graphic Design majors consist of like 180 people. So yah, we have 30 per class (=v=)ムフフ♪ Our class has 11 guys and 17 ladies. So shall I, for Suelki’s sake, elaborate on the guys??? LOL Yah well, the 11 guys consist of Nao chan, Lupin, Ryohei, Kuri-kin, Syun, Tomohiro, Yuuma, Funaki kun, and 3 other guys that I haven’t talked to yet - -;; Nao chan is from Taiwan and he’s usually quiet but fun to talk to, his fashion sense is.. very unique. Lupin’s real name is Yuuichirou. We call him Lupin cuz he looks like the Japanese anime Lupin the Third. Ryohei is very japanese Mafia looking but is the most loudest and the most stupid Japanese guy I’ve ever met. He also LOVES woman... it’s stamped on his face LOL. Kuri-kin’s real name is Keisuke Kuriki, he’s pretty nature loving... pretty boy almost. He never loses his rhythm, he actually has the power to pull people into his own pace which is disturbing and yet, very amazing LOL. Syun is this hip-hop lover type of guy, he has a soft mohawk and is always looking like he wants a fight (if not he looks as if he’s too tired to do anything - -;;) Tomohiro is this J-Pop/boy band looking guy that Yuni Yuni Onni is falling for. He’s always with Nao chan. Yuuma is the weirdest of all! He’s way too unique... No one in our class can understand his convo except Kuri-kin LOL he dresses Punk-Rock-ish and yet his face is clean-cut, fresh almost. He’s so interesting to talk to LOL way funny. Funaki kun is WAY WAY WAY white, as if he’s died. He dresses like Phillip (except he wears jeans instead of jersey pants) and his hands are always shaking like he needs to hit himself up with a dose of some drug(;´▽`A`` I haven’t really talked to him yet.. maybe tomorrow. The three other guys... hmmm I don’t even remember their faces.. LOL I’m a bad classmate huh - -;;
The Girls on the other hand, I know all of them except one. The girls are Yuni Yuni Onni, Yu, Yui, Misaki, Akane, Rina, Risa, Sagiri, Nachi, Shiori, Kaoru, Keiko, Mai-chan, Yon Gyon, Tana, and the one girl that I don’t know. Yuni Yuni Onni LOVES boy bands, she loves good looking guys in general. She’s Korean and so is Yon chan. Yon chan though is like sorta sporty and boyish (the looks) but she’s so cute when you talk to her and stuff. She’s someone that I’ll 100% trust with my life! Whoa! Now that’s deep ☆^(o≧▽゚)oニパッ Yu has this real great guy voice, when she sang L’arc en Ciel, dude I thought that the real vocal was singing it! Yui, she’s also Korean and she LOVES shoju.. the words that come out of her mouth are either “Aya chan drink with me” or “Aya chan! Bring some guys over and let’s drink!” Misaki and Risa are like the typical Japanese blonde... they’re WAY pretty but dumb as hell... Misaki is like a tom-boy. She loves active things, she works at a Japanese bar and loves to drink and have pure fun. Risa on the other hand is an anti-lonely freak, she just can’t stand being lonely so she loves attention (not from guys but more from girls, she really cherishes friendships) but sometimes she says mean things to have someone talk to her like “XXX stop talking, no one wants to hear you talk (with a smile)” we call her ‘tunndere’ machine-gun talker. Sagiri and Nachi are the two rock loving girls but dresses like a down-to-earth casual girly girls. Sagiri is 155cm in height and she’s so cute! Nachi is more grown up and has a calm expression all the time. She’s also mentally grown up so she really analyzes things... she never panics...... Shiori is kind of hard to explain, she’s chubby and more leaned towards punk. She has a cute voice and is sort of on the quiet side. Kaoru and Keiko y’all already know. Mai-chan looks just like Jin Hee in Mt. Carmel!! Except taller and her face is smaller. She’s getting used to me though, she used to be TOO quiet. Anyways, I think that’s all huh??
I sorta went off subject but yah, we went to Nagano, it took 4 hours on a bus... Tana sat by my side and we talked the WHOLE way to the hotel. We talked about our favorite actors, movies, songs, dramas, embarrassing episodes, etc. And she talked about Jake.. her current crush LOL. The three days went by in a blink of an eye! For real! We all barely slept.. If we did, it was like 3 hours. The trip really made us close. ESP Risa, Yu, and me. Mainly cuz Yu slept by my feet and Risa slept right next to me LOL. They won’t stop talking!!! Damn Machine-gun talker and Machine-gun topic thrower... whenever I try to sleep they wake me up by saying ‘AYAPAI~~~~ you think you can talk all you want and then sleep without listening to us talk!?’ whetts! I was listening to their non-sense convo for like 20 min! LOL.
But anyways the trip was hella fun, wanna do that again man!
Then came the class meeting where we met up with our Home Room teacher and went over the school rules and brief overview of the year.
My HR teacher... Gawd, she makes a whole new genre in whatever she is... every time I speak to her or she's giving us a lecture it's like a trip back to Japanese Idols back in the 80's or the 90's - -;; Bubbly and jumpy and and and... fluffy hair LOL.
Anyways, let's go back to my friends♡