
White Day

So I was totally caught off guard one afternoon when a friend of mine calls me up.
"Hey, I'm heading to your house"
"Why…why?? It's White day dumbass"
Well, I probably would've figured out the reason why he was coming on my own if he didn't wake me up all of a sudden around 6pm.. I was out drinking with my dad and his crazy 8 friends after work on Wednesday! Who can blame my death-like sleep huh?? So anyways I kick myself sleepy brain awake but before I can say a word he 'speaks'..
"Jesus Aya (he calls me Aya... AYA!) Remember Valentine's? You gave me those sweets and in Japan, the men give back to the women on White Day… and that's tomorrow…"
'Oh…yah I knew of White Day… I just didn't know when…'
"Anyways I bought you something and I'm going over to give it to you"
'Kay…Come in like 30 minutes'
"…I'll be there around 6:30"
'…∑(。・_・。) That's like in another 10 minutes…!'
So I get myself ready but me being a girl, it took me 20 minutes to wear jeans and put a jacket on and brush my hair and brush my teeth etc etc... And when I was finally ready, it was already almost 10 til.. but it's okie, the Nakanobu station is like 5 minutes from the house ( ^ー゜)d
I must've not been as awake as I thought I was.. I didn't notice Yamato until I passed by him. If he hadn't looked up from his cell and looked my way just in time for me to get a glimpse of his face, I probably would have walked right by him towards the station LOL Anyways after saying the usual Japanese greetings he took me to this one Chinese Restaurant.
For some reason, we always end up eating Gyoza... He denies the fact that we ALWAYS do but really, we do... even when we went to that Ramen place in Shinbashi we ate Gyoza. I'm not complaining though! I love Gyoza, but I'm always with HIM when I chow it LOL.
We must've been there for like 2 hours which seemed to pass us by like wind over the sea. It's too much fun talking to him, I never figure out what makes it so much fun but I'm always smiling and laughing. He's WAY smart although he's also a member of the procrastination club( - -)d and he knows way too many places than I do. What we do have in common is like Saipan and few Ajyushi that we both know but besides that... nada. I guess it's just the fact that we've known each other FOREVER that makes us talk so much with nothing much in common (●´艸`)ウシシシシ His dad and my dad are like buddies. They've known each other for more than 20 years, I believe.. therefore when we were born, we naturally became friends. We never really got the chance to see eachother (Yamato's only been to Saipan once) but we made sure that we'd see eachother when we can. My dad flew back to Japan within the 10 hours after he got the news that Yamato's dad passed away.
Yamato and my birthday is like less than a month apart but I'm a year above him in school year. LOL he hates that though cuz then I can boss him around hahah.
Ahem, going back to White Day- well, after 2 hours the place seems to settle down and we sorta loose the massive hyper talk and I was thinking of just going home when he started to talk about his cats. And if you know me, you KNOW that I'm a sucker for animals♡
'Lemme see your cats sometime. I miss having animals around me♡'
"Yah sure. You can come by anytime. If you want we can go now."
'Mkay!! Let's go!'
So we decided to head over to his house but come to think of it... I should've postpone it to another day... after all, he hasn't slept for 40 hours that day... Yah, he spent 40 hours on studying and running around getting things for college. I felt bad but I said that I wanted to go and plus, he could've invited me another day.. not like we're disconnected from each other LOL.
But anyways we head over to Nishi-Koyama and get to his house. But it's pitch black LOL. I imagined their mom to be home and ready to sleep by then but nope, she was at Athlie Sports Gym and Saorin (his sister) was sleeping over at a friend's house. Which was sad for me since I barely got to hang out with those two ladies (ノ_・。) But it's all good, I'm more open with Yamato than the other two so (・∀・)
There's the two cute kitties at Yamato's house! They're SOOOOO fluffy! I swear I'd love to just cuddle with both of them all day and all night long!
But I guess I wasn't much of a cat attracter.. LOL it took them a whole HOUR to get used to me(σД`*) I wasn't bored though cuz I got to see something so amusing! Yamato tried to get the kitties used to me by hugging it and bringing them over so I can pet it. But the lack of sleep for 40 hours got to him I guess LOL he started to sleep and pet his cat at the same time LOL

The cat's stuck between his legs while he sits and sleeps at the same time LOL Man it was SO damn hard to take this picture without laughing out loud. But eventually he woke up and moved over to the hot carpet to sleep while he let me do my own way of getting the cats used to me.
I ended up staying over til 11:30 mainly cuz I didn't wanna smack him up so he can take me to the station. Yah, I'm nice like that. If I was REAL nice I could've left by myself but hey! It's cold and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get back to the station alone in the dark lmao. So being the gentleman that he is, he took me to the Nishi-Koyama station and I rode the train back home. This is the White Day present I got from Yamato~ it has like 11 different kinds of chocolate in it. He bought it at Takashimaya, I felt bad.. Takashimaya is known to be expensive. Thanks Yamato♡ I'll eat it all by myself and savor the taste lmao.
It was art in a box man. I swear!
They're so pretty and VERY delicious♥(。→v←。)♥

This is the Moe(萌え) Manjyu that I got from Accyan-san. It's from Akihabara man, and one of the six manjyu is filled with hot pepper/bean stuffing. We opened it and each took one [A-cyan (Grandma), Oji (Grandpa), Kana (Cousin), Ken-cyan (My grandma's little bro), me,and we gave one to A-chan's shrine]... fortunately none of us there at the moment got hit. So tomorrow we'll make Ken-cyan pick between the one at the shine and the one left over and see if he'll get hit or... will it be the shrine?? LOL.

This is the Strawberry Cheese Cake that my grandma got for White Day. It was SO damn good I swear! It was so soft and but creamy and it wasn't as sweet as I thought it would be♡
This is before I opened it, I love the color! It's so cute!
I also got a Stitch ash tray and a mug cup from the Shimizu's. It was VERY Yumi-chan like to give me an ash tray LOL. Though I don't smoke, I put some crystal pieces and made it into a daily accessory holder. It's quite useful heheh.
Can't wait til work, wonder what I get from my boss LOL. EH~ just kidding, I didn't celebrate Valentine's to get presents in return!
Anyways that was my White day.゚+.(人´Д`*).+゚.



マリヤはともかくあやはず~っと(°Д°;≡°Д°;) {うちらここにいていいの!?)
がっ!その話の前に一日の行動は最悪でしたw友達失格(´д`#) {Ah~ sheebal!)
マリヤといると絶対なんか食う事になるw②人でマリヤの友達を待つ間③①でアイス(しかも外)食べたwその後も『ちょっと座って色々語ろぉ~やっ』とか言ってロッテリア入ってバーガーを右手に、ポテトを左にして喋り捲ってたwでも食べ終わったら即出て、銀座に向かった( ^ー゜)d
んで終ったらスタバでまた話し込みw写真パシャ②、Latte' グビ②・・・
ァ '`,、'`,、'`,、'`,、(ノ∀`) '`,、'`,、'`,、'`,、'`,、
.゚+.(人´З`*).+゚. TaRaKo mouth♡
When we die, we go together buddy buddy♡
We noticed that we both wore bright colors when we were taking this shot LOL. Look at her DANGO hair LOL By the end she said it started looking like a bird's nest (- д -;;
。+。:.゚.:。+。Yah~ she loves me (ノㅅ≦⊂) 。+。:.゚.:。+。 Yep, simple's the best♡ Strawberries that display's our girly side and heart that screams out "LOVE US!" (・∀・)Ehehe, just kidding.
Unfortunately, we took this on the last day of February... no use to make it into a calenderぉぉぉ(うДT)つ
We went to watch JUMPER in Ginza for free♡ Plus we watched it in a box seat, the ones on the 2nd floor and you and your friend gets a room all to ourselves?? Yah, it was real nice, the seats were WAY comfy! And we had our own counter to put our stuff and lean on LOL Which was ok I guess, better than shoving your friend and fighting for the handrest LOL.
This was all I can take in the end, I wanted to get the counter and stuff but it was WAY too dark and I didn't want to use flash cuz I didn't wanna pay for breaking the rules or what not...

ASAHI PEN! Well.. I'm sure you guys don't know what I'm talking about but 上のバケツがグルグル!しかもピカピカ!!可愛かったから歩き撮りw眩しすぎ&&ブレすぎw
Me and Mariya at Starbucks just taking a snap with the girl I care for but don't get much time to see (T^T)
The Birdnest and the Pudding, posing if off with out favorite bev.
The usual "Ahem, lemme just check my cell for sec, got some mail&&..." the list goes on :) We JapaneZers can't live without our handy-dandy [map, phone, tv, radio, SD player, PC, camera] all in one heheh
My, my, what large gulp you have Ayaka-san... But I can't help it! It's too delicious♡♡♡

And on our way back to the station, we met some FREE HUGGERS and gave both guys a bear hug and a polite smile. It was so cute cuz one of the guys turned pretty pink, we think it was his first FREE HUG session.

The time with Mariya seems to pass by SO fast, my 5 hours with her was like a blink on an eye.. Sad? Yes. Looking forward to another fun filled day? Definitely!!!

But no more double shot of Lotteria and Baskin Robbins for me, that's for sure..Lesson learned! Oh speaking of Lotteria, it's like a work spot for Arabian people...the people taking our order, making them, and cleaning the surrounding were ALL Arabian people! No Japanese workers.. wth??? Oh well.